
For investors with a particular set of goals in mind, our specialist investment strategies represent the ideal building blocks for achieving a specific investment objective.

Driven by your goals

Everyone has their own views about investing and the priorities they favour when building a portfolio. However seasoned an investor you are, if you have a clear idea about where you want to place your holdings, our specialist strategies offer exciting opportunities for growth.

While our multi-asset strategies use cash as an asset in its own right, our specialist strategies focus exclusively on equities. This means increased exposure to risk but also greater potential for reward.

Representing a broad spectrum of possibilities, these strategies are for investors serious about growing their wealth.

Understanding your needs

Goals are important, but we believe you cannot get to 'there' without understanding where 'here' is first.

How we work

Equity income

Designed for Sterling-focused investors who seek an income stream from equities holdings.

Global equity

Invest in big global players without bias towards any single market, economy, or currency.

“We never knew there could be such an in-depth assessment of our current situation and future needs. Best of all, we weren’t made to feel like our questions were silly; they were always answered professionally and with patience even when we needed to go over the same ground again.”
“We have been retired for 4yrs and with all your help by investing our money we could never have wished for a more comfortable lifestyle. You make us feel at ease, explain everything so we understand, and there is always someone on the end of the phone for advice if we need it.”
“I have been a client with this company for four years now, they are always at the end of a phone when needed and are very quick to sort out any problems. I am more than pleased with my pension investment and the team are looking at different ways to invest my money to improve the future growth.”

Our investment management services